Milestone for The Spanish National Research Council
Author image by Noeleen O'Hara

The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) approves its entry into 3 spin-offs driven by the implementation of a new technology transfer procedure. 

The CSIC, as the largest public research organisation in Spain, has given the green light to its participation in three new technology-based companies (spin-offs). 

This decision is part of the revamped technology transfer procedure, which was launched last year in line with the reform of the Spanish Law of Science and Technology. The main goal of this reform is to promote the creation and consolidation of innovative companies, offering more agile and effective support. With the implementation of this new approach, administrative procedures have been streamlined, thus facilitating active participation of researchers in the formation of knowledge-based companies (EBCs). The participating companies will benefit from the support and experience of the CSIC, which will boost their development and expansion in both national and international markets. The CSIC's decision to get involved in these initiatives underscores its ongoing commitment to knowledge transfer and its strategic collaboration with the business sector, aiming to drive innovation and technological advancement in Spain.