EU Knowledge Valorisation Talks 2024 | Share your best practice
Author image by Noeleen O'Hara

Have you tested a practice which is transforming knowledge and research results into practical solutions creating societal and/or economic value? Could your practice inspire other knowledge valorisation actors and be replicated by them? We would like to invite you to share your practice.

The Directorate-General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission is organising a series of EU Knowledge Valorisation Talks throughout 2024 to showcase inspiring practices and exchange experience among valorisation actors from all over Europe. They are currently preparing online Talks on valorisation practices related to artificial intelligence (AI), research security and social sciences and humanities (SSH), as detailed further below.

Have you developed a specific successful way to turn knowledge into economic or societal value in one of these areas? Tell us about it!

AI and other digital techs: a revolution in knowledge valorisation?

Thursday 27 June 2024 (from 13:00 to 13:30/45)

Artificial intelligence and other digital technologies are changing the way we manage our scientific knowledge and make it available for everyday use - whether in business, public administration, education or other areas of public life. From results scouting to patent drafting and AI-assisted inventorship, the interplay between AI and intellectual assets management is ever-growing. We are looking for successful practices for the use of AI and other digital tools for knowledge valorisation. What digital strategies and tools have you developed and are you currently using them to analyse research results and scientific knowledge more quickly and effectively for their economic potential and to make them usable for deployment? What principles and guidance have you set up to ensure a responsible and sustainable application of these AI/digital tools for knowledge valorisation?

Research security: dealing with risk in intellectual assets management

Tuesday 24 September 2024 (from 13:00 to 13:30/45)

Co-creation and interlinkages between all actors in the R&I ecosystem are essential to derive more value from knowledge. However, international R&I collaborations can present risks related to potentially undesirable transfer and end-use of intellectual assets, malign influence and ethical or integrity violations. We are looking for successful practices on responsible intellectual assets management which balance openness and protection to address research security concerns in international collaborations. What strategies, tools or guidance has your organisation developed to identify, assess and mitigate potential research security risks linked to intellectual assets developed in international collaborations? What type of support does it provide to researchers, their teams and anybody concerned? How does your organisation raise awareness about research security concerns?

Social Sciences and Humanities: untapped potential for innovative solutions and better policies

Tuesday 19 November 2024 (from 13:00 to 13:30/45)

Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) are often overlooked in efforts of research results valorisation despite their great potential. Have you set up practices to support creating a start-up or spin-off based on SSH research? What measures and tools have you applied to make sure that SSH findings have been taken up in designing practical solutions and developing policies (on local, regional, national level) or perhaps a standard? By sharing your best practice, you can help stimulate the valorisation of SSH research and open possibilities to connect to peers.

Please express your interest by submitting a short description of your best practice to the repository on the EU Knowledge Valorisation Platform.

Submit your best practice

We also encourage you to submit, via this survey, a short video explaining your best practice.

Deadline for submissions is 10 May 2024.

The selection of best practices will take into account a number of aspects,

The three Talks will be online events of 30/45 minutes each. The owners of selected best practices will be invited to make a live presentation in Brussels at the studio of the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission.

This series of Talks replaces the EU Knowledge Valorisation Week in an attempt to adapt the format to more regular exchanges. If the new format proves to be successful, a new round of Talks will be organised subsequently.

More information

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