
AUTM's Demographic Survey

AUTM's Demographic Survey
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Wednesday 23 November 2022

If you haven't already, take a moment to complete the Biennial Demographic Survey by Dec 9th 2022.

The aim of this survey is to gain an understanding of the demographic makeup of the technology transfer / knowledge exchange community. That includes those working at academic institutions, government labs, hospitals or industry business development who have knowledge and expertise relating to intellectual property protection and licensing, corporate engagement, startup business creation or economic development.

This snapshot of the breadth and diversity of our community will inform the Association's strategic planning, professional development programming, and advocacy on behalf of the tech/knowledge transfer profession. The anonymized results will be shared and tracked to identify trends and implement improvements.

This survey can be filled out by anyone in the tech/knowledge transfer ecosystem. If you work in a research institution, lab or other office and engage in work that intersects with tech/knowledge transfer, we encourage you to respond. You do NOT need to be an AUTM Member to participate. We encourage research institutions, labs, and other offices to have their colleagues respond.