
Exploration of composite indicators for KT: phase 2

Exploration of composite indicators for KT: phase 2
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Wednesday 9 November 2022

European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) convened an Expert Group to advise on the collection and curation of European knowledge transfer metrics and to explore the development of high-level composite indicators based on these metrics. The work formed the second phase of the earlier study “Towards a European-wide set of harmonised indicators” that was published by the JRC in 2020. Aims of this second study were to: 

1. Consult and advise on the design of a blueprint for a web-based tool for KT data acquisition and self-assessment and benchmarking by PROs. 

2. To understand: The feasibility of developing composite indicator(s) and associated scoreboard; Pathways and attitudes to adoption of composite indicators and to recommend the key components and considerations for composite KT indicators.

Today sees the launch of Phase 2 of this work: Knowledge transfer metrics Exploration of composite indicators for knowledge transfer.

This invaluable work has been made possible by the work and dedication of many ASTP members who contributed to the Expert Group.