Mattia Ronchetti’s 2024 presentation at the Biomedical SIG webinar focuses on EU and US regulatory frameworks for medical devices. It explores classification, clinical evaluation, and development…
Professor Roberta Guerrina shares her experience on enhancing SHAPE research impact. She explores how combining spinouts, consultancy, and policy, including her work with EQUAL In-Sight, helps…
Sjaak Brinkkemper discusses entrepreneurship in ecosystems, focusing on the challenges of sustaining software companies. He examines key decisions in software production, including product…
In this webinar, Matthias Versele, Executive Director of Drug Discovery at CD3-Cistim, discusses strategies for translational life sciences projects, from novel ideas to regulatory approval. He…
Julian Jantke's presentation, "Impact-at-Scale Pipeline in SHAPE," explores strategies for valorising research in social sciences, humanities, and related fields. It highlights tools like DLAS and…
This webinar provides an accurate yet delightful introduction and discussion of the key IP Rights related to the protection of software innovation. In one hour Maurits Westerik provides insights on…
The 2024 EPO study analyses trends in water-related innovation for provision and protection, highlighting Europe's leadership, with Spain excelling. Though historically industry-led, universities and public research organisations are advancing. Innovation is growing but must accelerate to meet…
This report contains data of 674 KTOs from 21 European countries. It includes 97 aggregated KTO datasets from one National Association and 577 datasets from responding KTOs. The aggregated data was included in the summary overview and excluded from the detailed analysis in the remainder of the…
This seminar investigates the importance of these non-financial impacts, such as social, cultural, and environmental contributions. Additionally, it suggests a very simple but still useful…
On 11th and 12th June 2024, the VIADUCT project partners and stakeholders gathered in Tampere, Finland, for the third Interregional Project Meeting and Site Visit.
In the 8th World Lunch webinar, hosted by the Digital Innovations SIG, Brechtje Vreenegoor, Manager of KTO at Wageningen University, discusses the servitisation of open-source models. She explores…
In this Tea with ASTP Clare Dillon, InnerSource Researcher at the University of Galway, covered where academic OSPOs are located within institutions, their goals and the activities OSPO staff engage…
Cornelia Peuser presents the EPO Observatory’s new Deep Tech Finder, a tool that blends the business profiles of around 8,300 investment-ready European start-ups with information on their patent…
On the initiative of Legal SIG members from ETH Zurich, ASTP members interested in reviving the Legal SIG met during ASTP’s Annual Conference in Seville in May 2024.
The 7th ASTP- EU Forum continues the dialogue between European knowledge/technology transfer professionals and staff of the European Commission. At this free online event, you shall have the…
In the 7th World Lunch webinar, hosted by the Digital Innovations SIG, Florian Kirschenhofer presents updates to the Max Planck Society’s licensing model for spin-offs. He discusses its success,…
Relika Williams and Christophe Haunold share their experiences around creating, approving and executing IP management policy for universities. Three different perspectives: from a drafting point of…
In the monthly online SSHA and Impact Flashlight, Birge Wolf discusses the SynSICRIS tool. This open-source tool aids project planning with impact pathways and monitoring, promoting innovation,…
The 2024 presentation by Carlo Duprel discusses collaborative research in intellectual property (IP) management. It highlights SnT's partnership model at the University of Luxembourg, which…
Laura Spinardi, Head of Technology Transfer Office, Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico di Milano, discusses the challenges of managing data in digital clinical research: not…
Science and researchers should be at the forefront of solving our most pressing global challenges. Impactful research commercialisation will require educating a new generation of entrepreneurs with a…
Ainara García Gallastegui presents NanoGUNE’s achievements focusing on knowledge transfer. She highlights successes in spin-offs, patents, and licensing, including innovations like Alzheimer’s…
The 2022-2024 European Research Area Policy Agenda outlines 20 voluntary actions to enhance innovation, sustainability, and inclusivity in research. It prioritises open science, green and digital transitions, and global collaboration, aiming to foster excellence, protect academic freedom, and…
On November 9th, the partners of the KT Soft Skills Erasmus+ project met online to discuss the results of the Validation of the KTSoftSkills Investigation Report.
The 6th ASTP-EU Forum fosters dialogue between European knowledge transfer professionals and European Commission staff. Topics include the ERA Action 17, ResearchComp, the EU "Patent Package," and…
The 5th ASTP-EU Forum focuses on European innovation policies, sharing updates on knowledge valorisation, the Transition Open funding scheme, and the New European Innovation Agenda. It highlights the…
The fourth ASTP EU Forum features the Deputy Head of Unit for Valorisation Policies and IPR at the European Commission. Joined by the Community of Practice, the session provides updates on EU…
Mauro Lattuada leads a Tea with ASTP session on managing open-source software in academia. He explores licensing complexities, conflict of interest management, and valorisation strategies,…
The merger will enable academia and industry to benefit from one destination to start new partnerships
Joss Moorkens explores AI’s impact on translation in 2023. He addresses ethical challenges, such as bias and environmental impact, alongside AI literacy. Highlighting the balance between human…
Koen Verhoef examines the complexities of data use by AI and ML companies. He addresses ethical dilemmas, legal considerations, and the value of quality datasets, emphasising the need for clear…
ASTP Member, Paul Van Dun, chats to 4iP Councils podcast series IP Stories
Engage on the new EARMA online co-creation space. Free conference registration.
Participate in European stakeholder events. Join the first onsite and online event Making Research Results Work for Society on 26 October 2023 in Brussels. Registrations are now open.
ASTP President, Christophe Haunold, chats to Global University Venturings podcast series Talking Tech Transfer.
ASTP stalwart and Board Member, Tom Flanagan, chats to Global University Venturings podcast series Talking Tech Transfer.
On June 29th, 2023, the KT SoftSkills partners gathered in Leiden, the Netherlands, for their highly anticipated second face-to-face project meeting. This meeting aimed to strategize and chart the course for the upcoming six months of the project, marking a crucial phase in its development.
Alongside with the new knowledge valorisation paradigm, the EC has launched the Mutual Learning Exercise on Knowledge Valorisation.
Eugene Sweeney explores openness in science and innovation. He examines how open access, intellectual property, and open-source licensing coexist, emphasising strategic decisions to balance…
Innovation by women transforms the world, yet gender disparities persist in innovation, entrepreneurship, and invention. In this discussion, Camilla Carrapatoso, Emily Devonald, and Anji Miller share…
In early June 2023, VIADUCT project partners and invited local stakeholders, met in Timisoara (Romania), the European Capital of Culture 2023, for the 1st Inter-Regional Thematic Workshop (IRTW), 2nd Inter Regional Study Visit (IRSV) and 2nd Steering Committee (SC).
KTSoftSkills is a three-year project, co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Union. It aims to remove barriers between HEIs and external partners, by supporting and improving their mutual understanding and negotiation processes.
At the Annual Conference 2023 Morning Plenary, Alastair Banks examines how Artificial Intelligence reshapes knowledge transfer. He highlights practical applications for KTOs and TTOs, showcasing…
Giles Brandon and Vira Filatova present FIT-4-NMP, a Horizon Europe Project supporting talented newcomers from underrepresented regions to participate in advanced materials, manufacturing, clean…
Laurent Heirendt introduces R3, an initiative at LCSB to enhance research quality and reproducibility. The talk explores R3's goals, its importance despite deadlines, and practical steps to adopt its…
The Annual Survey Executive Data Report presents data from 565 Knowledge Transfer Offices across 24 countries for Financial Year 2020, offering key insights into their activities and impact.
KEVRI founders Corin Mynett and Natalie Campion showcase how their UK-based company helps translate academic research into impact. The session highlights best practices, real-world use cases, and…
On 4th May 2023 ASTP will host the fifth edition of the ASTP-EU Forum.
Jason Teng, in his 2023 webinar Yes We Can’t: Making Sense of the Research Exemption in Patent Law, analyses European research exemptions. He contrasts national implementations, explores their…
Two of ASTPs loyal sponsors have combined into a single entity offering consulting and services companies for Tech Transfer and Intellectual Property Management
Andrew Tingey, in his 2023 webinar Sub-licensing: Horror Scenarios and How to Avoid Them, explores challenges in sub-licensing agreements. He addresses royalty structures, tiered sub-licensing, and…
2022 was a remarkable a year for EU matters concerning knowledge and technology transfer. The most recent EU policies and initiatives are opening up new opportunities but also posing challenges to our profession.
2023 is a year with even more activity and diversity of opportunity than ever before
The European Commission’s Directorate for Research & Innovation is organising an awareness raising campaign on knowledge valorisation.
In early December, The Council of the European Union adopted the Recommendation on the guiding principles for knowledge valorisation to increase socioeconomic impact from research and innovation and align policy guidance.
Joint Statement Paper on the Model Grant Agreement’s Intellectual Property Provisions of the European Innovation Council under Horizon Europe
The Directors Forum Special Interest Group are meeting in Antwerp, February 2023 to discuss Data Management for KT offices. What works, and has anyone found the Golden Ticket?
??The aim of this survey is to gain an understanding of the demographic makeup of the technology transfer / knowledge exchange community.
In the November 2022 Agrifood SIG, Sarah Luiz and Mohammad El Hajj showcase how innovative plant-based technology and entrepreneurship drive advancements in the food industry, redefining its…
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