This report contains data of 674 KTOs from 21 European countries. It includes 97 aggregated KTO datasets from one National Association and 577 datasets from responding KTOs. The aggregated data was included in the summary overview and excluded from the detailed analysis in the remainder of the…
The fourth ASTP EU Forum features the Deputy Head of Unit for Valorisation Policies and IPR at the European Commission. Joined by the Community of Practice, the session provides updates on EU…
Marta Zgagacz and Krystian Gurba discuss how entrepreneurial training for innovators and knowledge transfer professionals boosts impact, startups, and licensing metrics. They present a successful…
The Annual Survey Executive Data Report presents data from 565 Knowledge Transfer Offices across 24 countries for Financial Year 2020, offering key insights into their activities and impact.
The European Patent Office’s 2022 study highlights progress and persistent gaps in women’s participation in patenting. While women inventor rates have steadily risen, they remain below parity, with notable disparities across countries, technologies, and organisational types. The study…
The Towards a Reform of the Research Assessment System report highlights the need for systemic change in assessing research quality and impact. It proposes a European coalition to prioritise qualitative assessment, reduce reliance on metrics like journal impact factors, and promote open science,…
This webinar presents findings from the ASTP COVID-19 survey and features personal testimonies from respondents. It highlights ongoing challenges of working during the pandemic and showcases best…
In 2020, Christophe Haunold and Cécile Cavalade present findings from the EC Joint Research Centre’s Knowledge Transfer Metrics Report. Part of the ASTP-EC JRC collaboration, the webinar explores…
In 2020, Claudio Truzzi presents at an ASTP webinar on knowledge transfer for the data economy. He explores strategies for managing data as a valuable asset, focusing on open data platforms,…
In 2020, Tom Hockaday addresses university knowledge transfer during the COVID-19 crisis. He highlights KTOs' challenges, strategies for rapid licensing, and collaborations to address pandemic needs.…
ASTP, AUTM, KCA and PraxisAuril have proposed a definition of the profession and discussed it with ATTP. It is our ambition that further development of this should be managed through the custodianship of ATTP.
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