In this Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion SIG's webinar, speakers highlight how Knowledge Transfer Offices can drive change by fostering communication, work-life balance, and well-being, offering…
The UKRI Glossary of EDI Terms provides clear definitions of key terms related to equality, diversity, and inclusion. It supports a shared understanding within the research and innovation community, fostering inclusive practices and communication by clarifying complex concepts and terminology in…
This report contains data of 674 KTOs from 21 European countries. It includes 97 aggregated KTO datasets from one National Association and 577 datasets from responding KTOs. The aggregated data was included in the summary overview and excluded from the detailed analysis in the remainder of the…
In this Tea with ASTP Clare Dillon, InnerSource Researcher at the University of Galway, covered where academic OSPOs are located within institutions, their goals and the activities OSPO staff engage…
Cornelia Peuser presents the EPO Observatory’s new Deep Tech Finder, a tool that blends the business profiles of around 8,300 investment-ready European start-ups with information on their patent…
The 7th ASTP- EU Forum continues the dialogue between European knowledge/technology transfer professionals and staff of the European Commission. At this free online event, you shall have the…
The 2022-2024 European Research Area Policy Agenda outlines 20 voluntary actions to enhance innovation, sustainability, and inclusivity in research. It prioritises open science, green and digital transitions, and global collaboration, aiming to foster excellence, protect academic freedom, and…
The European Competence Framework for Researchers outlines key skills across seven domains, including cognitive abilities, self-management, and research management. It promotes interdisciplinary collaboration, ethical practices, and societal engagement, aiming to enhance researchers' capabilities…
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The 6th ASTP-EU Forum fosters dialogue between European knowledge transfer professionals and European Commission staff. Topics include the ERA Action 17, ResearchComp, the EU "Patent Package," and…
The 5th ASTP-EU Forum focuses on European innovation policies, sharing updates on knowledge valorisation, the Transition Open funding scheme, and the New European Innovation Agenda. It highlights the…
The fourth ASTP EU Forum features the Deputy Head of Unit for Valorisation Policies and IPR at the European Commission. Joined by the Community of Practice, the session provides updates on EU…
ASTP stalwart and Board Member, Tom Flanagan, chats to Global University Venturings podcast series Talking Tech Transfer.
Eugene Sweeney explores openness in science and innovation. He examines how open access, intellectual property, and open-source licensing coexist, emphasising strategic decisions to balance…
At the Opening Plenary of the Annual Conference 2023, Signe Ratso, Chief Negotiator at the EU Commission, underscores the critical role of knowledge management in driving innovative solutions to…
ASTP's EDI SIG meets at the 2023 Annual Conference in Tallinn to explore women's pivotal role in shaping innovation. The panel features Megan Aanstoos, Heli Valtna, Nadezda Kongi, and Riin Rebane,…
The Annual Survey Executive Data Report presents data from 565 Knowledge Transfer Offices across 24 countries for Financial Year 2020, offering key insights into their activities and impact.
From 22-23 March 2023, the consortium partners working together on the Interreg Europe project, VIADUCT, met to kick-off the project at the University of Zaragoza, Spain.
The Directors Forum Special Interest Group are meeting in Antwerp, February 2023 to discuss Data Management for KT offices. What works, and has anyone found the Golden Ticket?
The European Patent Office’s 2022 study highlights progress and persistent gaps in women’s participation in patenting. While women inventor rates have steadily risen, they remain below parity, with notable disparities across countries, technologies, and organisational types. The study…
Many things have changed in the research and innovation landscape since 2008, when the European Commission issued a Recommendation on the management of IP in KT activities and a Code of practice for universities and PROs.
In April 2022, ASTP hosts its first international webinar on strengthening equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in knowledge transfer. Moderated by Anji Miller, speakers from PraxisAuril, KCV,…
In May 2022, over 160 knowledge transfer professionals from across Europe joined this meeting organised by ASTP's Europe Committee. Key speakers from European institutions to share and update the community on their current knowledge transfer related activities.
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