
RM Roadmap | ASTP to analyse KT landscape

RM Roadmap | ASTP to analyse KT landscape
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Thursday 6 April 2023

Since 2022, ASTP has been a partner in the RM Roadmap project Creating Framework Conditions for Research Management to Strengthen the European Research Area, funded by Horizon Europe. The aim of the project is to identify and adapt the research management capital base of the EU, including the widening countries, and emerging needs of its current and future research management workforce to improve EU’s competitiveness and sustain economic performance. 

The project will connect the European research management community and involve it in a co-creation process in order to reach two main goals:

  • to create and inform a bottom-up consensus on the future of research management in a roadmap
  • to inform the community about existing training, networking, funding, and mobility opportunities.

An important tool to design the future of research management in Europe is the Ambassadors Network. About 100 Ambassadors have been so far recruited for the following roles:

  • engage communities to participate in RM Roadmap to design the future of research management
  • gather intelligence and input from national and local RM communities
  • function as online moderators to inform the co-creation of the future of RM in Europe.

As representatives of KT/TT managers within the wider research management community, ASTP is involved in the RM Roadmap project with a policy role. It will focus on analysis of the KT landscape, within RM Roadmap, identify skills, infrastructure, ecosystems and professional recognition requirements for KT professionals.

Synergies between the research support services and KT/TT Offices at universities are increasingly needed in order to create more value out of research and generate an impact on economy and society. The RM Roadmap is a relevant project in this respect and the participation of ASTP in the consortium running this project will contribute to strengthening the position of KT managers within the wider research management community.