
New Codes of Practice for industry-academia co-creation for knowledge valorisation

New Codes of Practice for industry-academia co-creation for knowledge valorisation
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Thursday 14 March 2024

On March 5th 2024, the Commission published two Recommendation on a Code of Practice on industry-academia co-creation and on citizen engagement for knowledge valorisation.

Both codes of practice provide guidance for researchers and innovators on how to actively engage with other players to jointly produce and valorise knowledge for the benefit of the economy and society.

Iliana Ivanova, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth said:

To develop new technologies, products, and services in Europe and to ensure that innovative solutions are taken up, academia and industry must work closely together. Strong citizen engagement is key to accelerating the uptake of innovative solutions that better respond to people’s needs. These codes of practice, developed with stakeholders, will be a valuable tool for bridging the gap between the lab and the market and for boosting knowledge valorisation.

The Code of Practice on industry-academia provides practical guidance for creating successful partnerships for knowledge valorisation. It calls for promoting co-creation in the organisation’s strategy, investing in skills, networking, communication, and awareness raising. It stresses the importance of creating incentives and strengthening the role of intermediaries and joint infrastructures in translating research results into business applications.

The Code of Practice on citizen engagement offers practical guidance to strengthen links between research entities and societal actors for better uptake of research results. It identifies the need for a strategic approach at the organisation level which encourage cross-sector collaboration, awareness raising and strengthening the role of intermediaries. It also proposes the use of incentives, co-creation tools and digital solutions with a human-centric and sustainable design.


The adoption of the Commission Recommendations on the codes of practice is a new milestone in implementing the guiding principles for knowledge valorisation adopted in December 2022. The codes of practice contribute to the European Research Area Policy Agenda action ‘Upgrade EU guidance for better valorisation)’ (ERA action 7.

More Information

Factsheet on industry-academia co-creation

Factsheet citizen engagement for knowledge valorisation

European Research Area

Knowledge Valorisation Platform