
Meet the Tomorrow Shapers

Meet the Tomorrow Shapers
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Friday 12 May 2023

The EPO has announced its 2023 European Inventor Award finalists. As Europe Day was celebrated, the announcement provided a fitting opportunity to celebrate these extraordinary inventors, their remarkable inventions and the role they play in driving innovation and scientific progress in Europe.?

This year’s finalists represent over a dozen nationalities and each is forging a new path in their field. Some are at the forefront of the fight against climate change, others are developing new treatments to safeguard our health, while several use innovation to reduce inequality. 

These remarkable individuals are shaping the future with their ingenuity and perseverance, and you are invited to join the finalists at a ceremony on 4 July 2023, at 12.00 hrs (CEST)

Register here and join the livestream ceremony, where the Tomorrow Shapers will be celebrated – the inventors who are driving a brighter future.