
ATTP report assists governments with research innovation policy

ATTP report assists governments with research innovation policy
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Wednesday 25 August 2021

ATTP, the global alliance of leading national professional bodies for Technology Transfer, Knowledge Exchange and Research Commercialisation, has released a new report providing comparative benchmarking of global research commercialisation metrics.

The ATTP report allows for rapid assessment of research commercialisation performance and enables data and evidence-based decision making when considering research innovation policy.

Chair of ATTP, Dr. Tim Boyle states, “The lack of quantitative benchmarking of international (research commercialisation) performance has resulted in some nations using whole-of-economy data to subjectively inform research innovation policy.”

“A recurring theme, directed at several of the ATTP alliance members, is criticism of the performance of research commercialisation.”, said Boyle, “By releasing the data in this report we hope that we can raise the bar of research innovation policy throughout the world.”

The report comes at a critical time as the world starts to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Given the current unprecedented circumstances, there has never been a better time to be involved in the research commercialisation profession. Our industry plays a key role in getting the intellectual property from our research labs into the hands of industry. This technology transfer results in new products, services, and jobs that will lead us out of the pandemic and drive economic recovery.”

Laura MacDonald, ASTP Chief Executive said, " As awareness increases of the need for greater analysis into all aspects of knowledge transfer metrics, in order to develop and deliver the very best impact for society and economies, ASTP welcomes this international report which enables the global community to understand their common challenges and achievements."

Read the full report here