
A new ERA for Research and Innovation

A new ERA for Research and Innovation
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Wednesday 8 June 2022

As part of the implementation of the Communication on ‘A new ERA for Research and Innovation’ DG Research and Innovation (DG R&I) is developing Guiding Principles for knowledge valorisation as set out by Action 7 of the Communication. A set of codes of practice are being developed to support the implementation of the Guiding Principles. One of these codes of practice will be a Code of Practice for researchers on standardisation.

Based on the findings of the scoping study for the development of the code of practice, a first draft of the Code of Practice has been developed. It is of vital importance that such guidance will be relevant and useful for the research actors and therefore the aim is to co-create the code of practice with stakeholders through an open consultation. We would therefore invite you contribute to this work by responding to a short survey questionnaire. More information on Knowledge Valorisation Platform.

The deadline for response is 14 June.