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[pagetitle] => 2025 Sarima Conference
[longtitle] => 2025 Sarima Conference
[description] => You are welcome to join the 2025 Sarima Conference from September 2-5 in Stellenbosch, South Africa.
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[alias_visible] => 1
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[introtext] => You are welcome to join the 2025 Sarima Conference from September 2-5 in Stellenbosch, South Africa.
[content] => <p>The Southern African Research and Innovation Management Association (SARIMA) is pleased to announce its 2025 Conference, scheduled to take place at the Protea Hotel by Marriott Stellenbosch & Conference Centre in Western Cape, South Africa. The conference will feature a comprehensive programme, including keynote addresses, parallel sessions, and opportunities for networking among professionals in research management and innovation. Key topics to be discussed encompass navigating disruption in research management, fostering innovation and entrepreneurship within the R&D ecosystem, and strategies for effective technology transfer. Under the theme <strong>"Expect the Unexpected: Unlocking the Value of Research and Innovation Management,"</strong> the conference will explore how research management and innovation can navigate disruption and create impact.</p>
<p>Would you like to speak at conference? Submit your abstract<a href=""> here</a>.</p>
<p>Read more about the programme and register <a href="">here.</a></p>
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[] => 2nd Sept 2025 - 09:00AM
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[pagetitle] => BioVaria 2025: Excellent Technologies & Start-ups
[longtitle] => BioVaria 202s: Excellent Technologies & Start-ups
[description] => BioVaria, the premier event for innovation in the life sciences in Europe, invites you to Munich, Germany from April 28 & 29, 2025.
[alias] => biovaria-2025-excellent-technologies-and-start-ups
[alias_visible] => 1
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[introtext] => BioVaria, the premier event for innovation in the life sciences in Europe, invites you to Munich, Germany from April 29-30, 2024.
[content] => <p>BioVaria is Europe's leading event for innovation in the life sciences. Organised by Ascenion and other European technology transfer companies, it brings together potential licensees and investors from the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries with scientists, founders and technology transfer experts from all over Europe. On April 28 & 29, 2025, first-class research institutions, universities and university hospitals will present around 70 selected, licensable life science technologies. This year again, projects in early stages of development will also be presented, including projects from Ascenion's Life Science Digital Hub, which is funded by GO-Bio <em>initial</em>.</p>
<p>The <em>Startup Pitch & Partner</em> programme at BioVaria has been a special highlight for years: startups selected by a jury are given the opportunity to present their projects to international and regional investors and win prize money. Interested start-ups can apply for <em>Startup Pitch & Partner</em> until February 14, 2025.</p>
<p>Register now for BioVaria 2025! More information <a href="">here.</a></p>
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[] => 28 April 2025 - 09:00AM
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[pagetitle] => 4iP Council
[longtitle] => 4iP Councial, webinar, Michele Herman, AI, law
[description] => Join 4iP Councial for a webinar with Michele Herman, Founder of JusTech Law, on a new framework for AI transparency. Explore AI system openness beyond open-source models and its impact on governance. Includes live Q&A.
[alias] => 4ip-council-a-better-way-to-unlock-ai-transparency-than-open-source-mandates
[alias_visible] => 1
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[introtext] => A Better Way to Unlock AI Transparency Than Open Source Mandates. Join 4iP Council’s free webinar on 13 March 2025, 17:00–18:00 CET, with Michele Herman, founder of JusTech Law.
[content] => <p>Join 4iP Council for an engaging webinar with Michele Herman, Founder of JusTech Law, as she presents a new framework for classifying AI system openness. Based on the forthcoming paper <em>Unlocking AI Transparency: The Access Methodology Framework for Classifying AI System Openness</em>, this session will explore AI transparency beyond traditional open-source models. Gain insights into key findings, their implications for AI governance, and participate in a live Q&A.</p>
<p>Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding of AI transparency and regulation. <a href="" target="_blank">Register here.</a></p>
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[pagetitle] => Knowledge Valorisation Talks
[longtitle] => Knowledge Valorisation Talks
[description] => Open and secure: how to valorise your research results in an uncertain global environment? Join the European Commission's webinar to hear from experienced practitioners who will share their insights.
[alias] => knowledge-valorisation-talks-open-and-secure-how-to-valorise-your-research-results-in-an-uncertain-global-environment
[alias_visible] => 1
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[introtext] => Open and secure: how to valorise your research results in an uncertain global environment? Join the European Commission's webinar to hear from experienced practitioners who will share their insights.
[content] => <p>Research security, economic security, critical technologies: in a complex global landscape, researchers must be aware of security concerns when co-creating, publishing, valorising or deploying the results of their work.</p>
<p>What strategies and approaches can support them to cope with these challenges in the valorisation of their research results? How can researchers best fulfil their responsibilities and contribute to freedom of research, economic security and prosperity in Europe?<br><br>On February 25, join the European Commission's webinar to hear from experienced practitioners who will share their insights.<br></p>
<p>The panel will be moderated by <strong>Nienke Buisman</strong>, Head of Unit for International Cooperation (Asia, Pacific, Africa & the Middle East) at Directorate-General for Research & Innovation, with the following speakers:</p>
<li><strong>Katleen Janssen</strong>, Legal Counsel for Export Control and Knowledge Security at KU Leuven (Belgium)</li>
<li><strong>Corinne Hueber-Saintot</strong>, Director for Valorisation at CEA (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission)</li>
<p><strong>Background</strong><br>The Directorate-General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission continues a series of online EU <a href="">Knowledge Valorisation Talks</a> throughout 2025. The Talks tackle policy debates on knowledge valorisation or showcase inspiring practices at national or regional level related to academia-industry collaboration, intellectual asset management, standardisation, social impact of research or citizen engagement.<br><br><a href="">Submit your best practice</a> of knowledge valorisation</p>
<p>The event will be web-streamed <a href="">here.</a><br>Sign up <a href="">here.</a></p>
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[pagetitle] => CROP Innovation & Business 2025
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[introtext] => CropIB 2025 brings together leaders in breeding, AgBio, and AgTech, along with academics, investors, startups, and experts from the international agri-food industry. The conference will showcase innovations, technologies, and strategies designed to develop sustainable crops and address agriculture's most pressing challenges.
[content] => <p><strong>Why Attend CropIB 2025?</strong></p>
<p>CropIB 2025 brings together leaders in breeding, AgBio, and AgTech, along with academics, investors, startups, and experts from the international agri-food industry. The conference will showcase innovations, technologies, and strategies designed to develop sustainable crops and address agriculture's most pressing challenges.</p>
<p>This event provides a unique opportunity to network with industry leaders during lunch sessions, social drinks, and two exceptional dinners at distinctive venues. Participants will gain valuable insights into the latest advancements and trends, including the application of new technologies in crop breeding. The conference also fosters collaboration, offering attendees the chance to explore potential partnerships that drive innovation and growth. Additionally, it serves as a platform to stay informed about market developments, regulatory changes, and the investment landscape in the plant breeding sector.</p>
<p><strong>What to Expect</strong></p>
<p>The CropIB 2025 programme is packed with sessions led by experts at the forefront of their fields. Key topics include leveraging advanced technologies to unlock the potential of plant genetic resources, exploring novel gene-editing tools for crop improvement, and addressing intellectual property and regulatory challenges in plant breeding. Attendees will delve into strategies to accelerate crop breeding, explore the changing landscape of the sector, and discuss new crops and commercialisation strategies for the agricultural bioeconomy.</p>
<p>The event will also highlight partnering dynamics in AgTech, focusing on how corporates and startups can collaborate successfully. Sessions on the applications of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning in plant breeding will provide insights into emerging technologies. A dedicated pitch programme will feature young AgTech and AgBio companies, showcasing innovation at its best.</p>
<p><strong>Whom to Meet</strong></p>
<p>CropIB 2025 is a C-level event designed for management, entrepreneurs, scientists, and financial and legal experts in the AgBio and AgTech industries. With more than 200 delegates from over 100 organisations, the conference gathers CEOs, CSOs, business executives, R&D and biotech leaders, legal professionals, policymakers, and financial experts, offering unparalleled networking opportunities.</p>
<p><strong>Secure Your Spot</strong></p>
<p>Join the CropIB 2025 conference to connect, learn, and collaborate with the brightest minds in the industry. Visit <a rel="noopener" target="_new" href=""></a> for more information and register now to secure your place.</p>
<p>Crop Innovation & Business is an initiative of KeyGene, organised by Iventus in collaboration with VIB and CEPLAS.</p>
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[pagetitle] => JLABS | Road to first-in-human trials for small molecules
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[introtext] => Are you a biotech startup preparing for your first-in-human clinical trials? Join Johnson & Johnson’s upcoming programme to gain essential insights into the Clinical Trial Application (CTA) process for small molecules, including Antisense Oligonucleotides (ASOs), siRNA, and small peptides.
[content] => <p>This event offers expert guidance on:</p>
<li><strong>Preclinical development strategies</strong>: Preparing your asset for clinical trials, covering toxicity and pharmacokinetics.</li>
<li><strong>Chemistry, Manufacturing & Controls (CMC)</strong>: Ensuring your API and formulations meet regulatory standards.</li>
<li><strong>Clinical trial design</strong>: Crafting trials to demonstrate safety and efficacy, with practical tips on patient recruitment.</li>
<li><strong>Regulatory strategies</strong>: Navigating the European CTA requirements.</li>
<p>This event is tailored for startups entering first-in-human trials but also welcomes early innovators, entrepreneurs, and stakeholders supporting these ventures.</p>
<p>Seize the opportunity to strengthen your clinical trial strategy!</p>
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Find more informatio here</a>.</p>
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[uri] => events/third-party-events/jlabs-road-to-first-in-human-trials-for-small-molecules
[tv.banner-image] => /assets/images/career/career.jpg
[] => 2 Feb 2025
[tv.location] => Leiden, Netherlands
[idx] => 6
[link] =>