

A network promoting the creation and development of technology-based spin-offs based on Smart Specialisation strategies.

The objective of this project is to create a network of collaboration to define and implement policies and regional strategies to allow the capitalisation of research actions developed by Public Universities and Research organisations, in order to promote the creation and development of new technology-based companies (spin-off) in the framework of regional smart specialisation strategies. The project will tackle main barriers (ideas valorisation, entrepreneurial skills, legal framework and access to finance) related to spin-offs creation and consolidation.

The consortium partners are: 

  • University of Zaragoza (ES)
  • West Regional Development Agency (RO)
  • SATT Conectus Alsace (FR)
  • Kaunas Science and Technology Park (Lithuania)
  • Western Development Commission (IRE)
  • Comune di Pieve di Soligo (IT)
  • Council of Tampere Region (FIN)

Read more:

Kick-off Meeting | VIADUCT Bridging the Gap

Project Website

