

European Network of Research Infrastructures & Industry for Collaboration

The ENRIITC project aims to build a permanent pan-European network of Industrial Liaison and Contact Officers (ILOs and ICOs) and enable industry to become a full partner of research infrastructures whether it is as a user, a supplier, or a co-creator. In other words, ENRIITC supports the establishment of strategic, cross-border partnerships between industry and research infrastructures.

The primary objectives of ENRIITC are:

Establish a sustainable European network of ILOs and ICOs which enables mutual learning

Map collaboration potential between research infrastructures and industry,

Develop and refine strategies and best practices to foster these collaborations,

Raise awareness among industry for collaboration opportunities at research infrastructures, and demonstrate impact.

ENRIITC brings together 11 Partners and more than 60 Associates from around Europe. The network members represent diverse scientific areas, industrial sectors and geographical regions. ENRIITC is inclusive and welcomes new members.